Comments received on poems by KDawg

Bobby O said:

FUCKING flat out!

September 10th, 2023 13:35

Sad vibes (tw)
Soman Ragavan said:

My comments on the poem \"Sad vibes” by KDawg

We can see the pain, suffering and despair in this poem.
“the day my arms betray the rest of my body” : the arms might do something terrible, dangerous to the body.
“The day where the razors shine is just so bright I need to dim it with me” : a temptation to use the razor for self-harm.
“The day where the rattle of the bottle is too loud and the only way I can silence it is putting them in my mouth” : faced with unbearable despair and suffering, there is the temptation to fall for the bottle, to drown one’s sorrows in drink.
“Man, being reasonable, must get drunk;
The best of life is but intoxication.”
--- Gordon Byron (1788-1824)
“The day where the road looks too comfortable and I can just lie there for ages” : perhaps living permanently on the road or doing something terrible with one’s life in the road.
“The calm before the storm or better yet the storm before the calm” : it might be bad times before things work out for the better, or the storm leading one to do something from which there is no turning back; “the calm” : the calm of lifelessness.
“I don’t fear that day anymore” : an expression of utter despair in the face of endless disappointments.
Dear friend, take hope. You have only one life. Don’t waste it. Let the storm blow over. Life is worth living. See my poem “Refusing paradise.” Get in touch with a counselling service. Soman Ragavan. 7 September, 2023. //

September 7th, 2023 00:35

Sad vibes (tw)
2781 said:

Sounds like addiction?

September 7th, 2023 00:03