Comments received on poems by Shy silly soul

Senior Crush
Shy soul said:


May 19th, 2024 07:28

Am I finding myself in Love or Loosing myself in love
Thomas W Case said:

Great questions you consider here. Poignant.

November 3rd, 2023 09:03

Love that starts from Friendship
rhmn_7 said:

Friendship doesn\'t just happen, it needs to be taken care of, nice poem!

October 22nd, 2023 08:50

Love that starts from Friendship
Soman Ragavan said:

My comments on the poem \"Love that starts from friendship” by Shy silly soul

“Friendship is the seed of love…” : friendship and love had better stay apart, for they are NOT the same, no matter how much we try to make them the same. Love ends up spoiling friendship.

“Love is the flower of friendship…” : again, friendship should not evolve into love, for love kills it off in the long run. It is unromantic, or cold or terrible to say so, but it is still the hard reality, as one will ultimately find.

“Friendship and love are intertwined…” : again, it is fatal for that to happen.

“they are the roots and branches…” : from the very start, the poetess has decided that love and friendship are the same or should be the same.

“Friendship can turn to love; love to friendship --- never.”

“Truth is always bitter.”

--From the Indian television serial : “Kyunki saas bi khabi bahu thi” (“For the mother-in-law was once a daughter-in-law”). (Full acknowledgements are made to the rights-holders)

Thus, friendship can evolve into love. It is free to do so. It often happens that way. But, after love, after love has failed, there cannot be friendship. There will be utter hatred, vengeance…. Big battle… Divorce…

These words will be disturbing, they will be rejected, but they are still the hard truth… And, remember : “Truth is always bitter…”
Soman Ragavan. 22 October, 2023. //


October 22nd, 2023 00:19

Love that starts from Friendship
Thomas W Case said:


October 21st, 2023 11:26

Love that starts from Friendship
Shy silly soul said:

Hi everyone those who have been waiting for my poems I really appreciate them....thanks for being patient......So now I am finally healed but the wounds left the scars and scars take time to fade.....anyways back with a new content hope u like it :)

October 21st, 2023 09:27

BlessedbyGod said:

It\'s really good, sad but good,
Through heartbreak is how we grow stronger, become who we are meant to be, grow into the strong woman u will be ,
I know it hurts, but grow from the pain and never give up

September 21st, 2023 10:35

The Silent Sufferer
Shy silly soul said:

I don\'t know why I wanted to write little emotional poem and publish it cause everytime I write poems they are about blooming love
Something different I guess for \"ME\"

September 20th, 2023 09:53

Someone only I know
L. B. Mek said:

hope that boy is granted
kinder days and fates, as he grows
(maybe these words
from Tina Dickow\'s song \'Glow\'
will help)

September 18th, 2023 06:00

Cold Shy Love of Mine..
Shy silly soul said:

This is a real based story......I converted those incidents into poem....Hope u like it

September 16th, 2023 09:44

Hidden Love Behind Those Glasses
Pop64 said:

This piece is expressive and so wonderfully clear in its intent. Your writing is far beyond your years.

September 15th, 2023 13:45

Hidden Love Behind Those Glasses
ekh said:

i love this poem so much, i can relate to it all too well, cannot wait to hear more of your poems!

September 15th, 2023 09:34

An Adorable Couple
BlessedbyGod said:

Sounds vaguely familiar,about me and my first love

September 15th, 2023 09:31

Hidden Love Behind Those Glasses
Shy silly soul said:

I would be lucky If u like my poems
Waiting for u guyss to like my poem
I am new on this website so please cooperate

September 14th, 2023 09:32