Comments received on poems by biraj

Stumbled upon her
SabreLi said:

Such beauty in these words; could be interpreted in many ways, but whatever the reader chooses to read into the meaning it is a beautyful piece, very well written with appropriate bounce! xx

December 22nd, 2016 15:41

Atop a hill
lysistrata said:

How pleasant to read Biraj,
Who has written so inspiring stuff!
Some might find him a bit bizarre,
But I think he is a promising one....😀

My only objection is that I took it as a self - reflection one.

June 20th, 2016 13:18

The girl in a stained apron

Thanks for sharing BIRAJ. All professions take their psychological tool on us but none more so than being a Medic. ! They are trained to save life and all too often see their patients succumb to death. I'm a Teacher and I hate it when my students fail - I fail with them, My Sister is an Ophthalmic Sister and she restores vision to the partially sighted. Occasionally the partially sighted end up totally blind and it drains some of her optimism and altruism. We can only save the World "one at a time" and even at that rate we don't always succeed ! Thanks BRIAN.

March 25th, 2016 11:37