Comments received on poems by Justina

A moment of quiver
Thoughtless said:

How nice. It was pleasant for you. Good write.

August 28th, 2024 13:58

my poem
Dan Williams said:

Mystery: \"a hidden thick smile\" calls up a questioning image, makes you wonder. Nice.

August 19th, 2024 23:57

The soul that exists
kwrites said:

It was such a beautiful read. I truly am in awe of it. looking forward to reading more of your work.

August 19th, 2024 04:12

my poem
jarcher54 said:

Sometimes you just gotta poem away! Thanks for your courage! (-:

August 18th, 2024 21:21

my poem
Thoughtless said:

And now you have shared what is hidden. Thank you for sharing.

August 18th, 2024 08:22

my poem
sorenbarrett said:

Each of us are our own poem in vivo. Nicely stated in this piece.

August 18th, 2024 06:52

The soul that exists
Thoughtless said:

Striving for balance and harmony.
Longing for peace, spirituality and protection with the aid of the Juniper tree.

August 17th, 2024 22:25

The soul that exists
sorenbarrett said:

Enigmatic words and phrases make this poem worth pondering. Nicely said.

August 17th, 2024 12:54