Comments received on poems by joelblue


WELCOME JOEL ~ Thanks you for a very fine first poem "CHARITY" . Inscribed on the Statue of Liberty (1903) "Give me your tired ~ your poor ~ your huddled masses ~ yearning to be free !" What happened to Obama Care ~ has Trump read this or does he still want to herd the Hispanics back "South of the Border ~ down Mexico way" and let the KKK supervise them building the WALL ! I don't hear Hillary saying things like that ~ but the cynics will say she needs the Hispanic vote in November ! In my experience (in the USA) the well heeled Republicans don't want a level playing field and need an "underclass" to pamper them and do all their dirty work. Line eight sums up the attitude of the USA "haves" to the USA "have nots" (love your language !) And not offer them food to eat ! Yes (lines 8 - 19) The dream has been built on the backs of the underprivileged and yet (Line 20) The USA is still the land of Opportunity ~ the Land of the Free! BUT despite the Declaration ~ All Americans are not born equal and never will be ! MLK wanted his children to be judged by their character ~ so they assassinated him ~ Nat King Cole was a icon but the KKK planted a burning cross on his lawn and poisoned his dog just because he dared to live in the "White Quarter of LA". Obama is a Black Man in the White House and many vilify him just because of that. Millions of Americans are born with "silver spoons" but far too many are born with wooden ones. You have a choice in November Hillary a very astute Politician and Trump a very astute Business Man ~ Please vote wisely. Thanks for caring & sharing ~ BRIAN (UK)

June 24th, 2016 14:57

Tropicana said:

your vocab is too complex for me, i'm not usually for these kinds of poems as i'm not big on the whole issue but I like reading well articulated poems, so thank you

June 24th, 2016 12:56