Comments received on poems by Jakewelty

Lost in the lines
lysistrata said:

The sun shines.It is too hot to play,so I read poetry in VAIN.

July 16th, 2016 11:51

Lost in the lines

WELCOME JAKE ~ Thanks for your first poem ~ how does one begin to analyse it ? As to structure ~ It is free verse A quatrain ~ a triplet ~ a quatrain ~ a triplet. This gives it flow and makes it easy to read and pleasant to recite. All "good" poetry should have an oral and an aural quality ! V 1. Describes words (writings) once meaningful now meaningless. V 2. Words you tried to hold on to but were wrenched form your grasp. V 3. When the words were lost so was all else ! Foundation ~ sanity ~ enlightenment ~ all gone in an instant ? V 4. All lost and meaningless ~ the letters ~ the words ~ the compositions ~ lost for ever ! It happens to all of us especially poets ! I've been writing poetry for 23 years (since I was 10) and some were published in magazines newspapers and booklets and recited at Poetry Readings. Most are now lost and alas if I do come across ONE and read it ~ it is MEANINGLESS ! Much of our lives are "Lost in in the lines". Thanks for sharing ~ BRIAN

July 16th, 2016 10:12