Comments received on poems by Ensanguine perfection

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WELCOME EP ~ and thanks for very sad and searching first poem ! Because it has rhythm (and usually rhyme) every song is a poem ~ but alas not every poem is a song ! Sometimes reality escapes us and we become empty and drained and (as you say) we feel lost and lonely! In your last stanza you reach out: HELP ME FILL MY HEAD WITH MORE LIFE ....... I'M GOING INSANE Many of us reading this poem are old enough (33) to empathise and my experience is ~ if I shake myself and count my blessings (family ~ friends ~ flat etc) the "black dog" goes away for a while. Thank for sharing ~ I found it cathartic ! Yours BRIAN

July 17th, 2016 15:47

Untitled: 1
rrodriguez said:

I liked your poem.

July 17th, 2016 11:20