Comments received on poems by donnasaff

Age Knocked On My Door

WELCOME DONNA ~ A beautifully crafted poem (I love rhyming couplets !) about a subject that affect all of us ~ AGEING ! Your poem describes it beautifully and although I'm only one third through my life (33) the symptoms are encroaching ! Each day one's senses become a little more diminished. I work in a College with Young people (16 - 30) which is both an incentive to stay young and a reminder that I'm 30+ ! Your poem is very cathartic for the 50+ and you are "growing old gracefully and poetically" which is a BLESSING ! Thanks for sharing and caring ~ Yours BRIAN

August 1st, 2016 14:35

Age Knocked On My Door
willyweed said:

wonderful piece great rhyme
very enjoyable. ww

August 1st, 2016 14:10