Comments received on poems by Mrszjessica


WELCOME JESSICA ~ Thanks for your first poem. Nicely spaced structure to emphasise the subject Racial Tension in the USA. I like CHICAGO and it impresses that both Hillary an Michelle are Chicago Girls. Both tough and both standing against racial discrimination.. Trump seems just the opposite. We had a talk in Memphis from one of MLK's Friends and he said there would never be reconciliation between Whites (like the KKK) and the Afro-Americans. The tension is historical because even the First Lady's ancestors were slaves and oppressed. A lot of right wing Whites have a negative attitude to Afro-Americans. The also have a low opinion of Native Americans and Hispanics. For some reason (perhaps economic) Asians (Indians ~ Chinese ~ Japanese etc) have a more positive profile. Obama has done what he can to secure a level playing field but Trump just stirs up hatred. BLACK is BEAUTIFUL you have just got hold your heads high ! We do have some racial and religious tension in the UK but much less than in the USA. Thanks for sharing ~ thinking of you and praying for you ! BRIAN

August 5th, 2016 17:56

Tony36 said:

Great write

August 5th, 2016 17:54