Comments received on poems by tmtruhl

You didn\'t notice

WELCOME TM ~ Thanks for sharing a beautiful and yet poignant poem straight from yiour wounded heart. 20 years is a lifetime and for it to end so cruelly and suddenly is more than a loving heart can bear. You bore the pain for so long ~ did he notice ~ i don't think so ? The final line denotes the sad sad end of something that once was so so perfect. Tomorrow is here ...... and now I'm gone ...... do you notice NOW how it feels to be all ALONE ? Thanks for sharing ~ I trust you found it cathartic. I'm not married (yet) but when i read your poem it made me ashamed to be a Man. Thinking of you ~ praying for you ~ BRIAN

August 30th, 2016 03:47

You didn\'t notice
JohnThomas said:

Very powerful. Thank you for sharing.

August 29th, 2016 22:33