Comments received on poems by KekoPeppy


Very well written and deep in only a few words...enjoyed

November 27th, 2016 00:34


WELCOME KEKO ~ An elegantly penned \"free verse\" poem ~ whose content contains many truisms ! In School and College teaching often seems very abstract ~ AND ~ if it is not applicable (or applied) to our own personal experience it is gobble-de-gook and useless ! Pages of UNAPPLIED Mathematical Formula is all Greek to me too. Outside the classroom (in the University of Life) we learn and progress by our OWN mistakes ~ that is real learning. Perhaps \"SCHOOLS\" are a waste of time and money and in many (so called) Underdeveloped Countries Children lean to cope with Life & Love. in the home and the community. In the USA kids who are home schooled ~ often make more progress academically than those who attend expensive Private & Public US Schools and are more rounded and responsible Citizens. Thanks for sharing an interesting & challenging poem. Yours BRIAN.

October 24th, 2016 14:44