Comments received on poems by ag91

Life\'s Letters
Augustus said:

Yea, life is a bitch. Then you die. I liked the brevity and structure.

November 6th, 2016 10:40

The Artist and his Muse
Christina8 said:

Welcome to the site! I love the cadence of your poem. Sad poem but still beautiful.

November 5th, 2016 20:47

The Artist and his Muse

WELCOME AG (chemical symbol for SILVER) tThanks for sharing your first poem. All Artists need a muse to make them better painters ~ and they are often Lovers ! Often when a Artist loses His (or Her) perfect Muse teir art is never the same again.. When th muse dies it is the Art that dies with it not the Artist. This is the essence of your elegant poem. Love the structure and the rhyme pattern which gives the Poem flow ! Good verbal content as well. Thanks for sharing ~ Please check my poems ~ Yours BRIAN

November 5th, 2016 19:08