Comments received on poems by Jeganb


WELCOME JEG ~ THANKS YOU FOR AVERY SAD AND CHALLENGING FIRST POEM. Because of lifespans it is inevitable that we outlive our Pets but nothing prepares us for the loss. Dogs are very empathetic with Humans and they seem to cause the most grief when they die. You have expressed your loss and angst (and especially that of your wife\'s) brilliantly in this poem It made me very sad. We only had cats at home but I know my Mum was always heartbroken when they died. I live in a flat and i only have tropical fish which is not the same. Every Blessing thinking of yours ~ BRIAN ~ Please check my poems ~ Thanks B

November 19th, 2016 05:06

Elegant_Style said:

I am getting the shivers reading this, it is so good.... you are an amazing poet

November 18th, 2016 23:28