Comments received on poems by kellywatkins10

Fighting in Syria
Augustus said:

Heart felt. Has been going on for thousands of years. Think we would have learned by now. Sometimes it comes down to us or them, however. I\'m glad I don\'t have to make those decisions. Hugs.

November 22nd, 2016 19:26

Fighting in Syria
Elegant_Style said:

so deep and true!! Wars are sometimes necessary and right now we really do have to stop ISIS for the good of everyone

November 22nd, 2016 18:21

Fighting in Syria

WELCOME KELLY ~ War is always brutal and in the end mainly a waste of time. The Leaders of the World should declare UNIVERSAL PEACE forever and put an end to war. It is always the Innocentwho suffer ! Thanks for caaribg ~ Yours BRIAN

November 22nd, 2016 14:16