Comments received on poems by Cole_Baines

Mars Colonizaton

WELCOME COLE ~ THANKS FOR A GREAT FIRST POEM ! As you know BUZZ ALDRIN (86) is a great protagonist of the Colonisation of Mars. There are problems of WATER & OXYGEN and the affect of the FOUR MONTH JOURNEY compared with the THREE DAY TRIP to the MOON. It will also cost lives ~ but then all Science Endeavour has its PRICE ! Realistic dates are 2030 and beyond.. Would you be prepared to go with no guarantee of coming back ? There are young American Scientists who would ~ especially now that TRUMP is President ! It\'s either MARS or CANADA (JOKE ?). Thanks for sharing ........................ Watch this SPACE ~ BRIAN

December 9th, 2016 12:18

Mars Colonizaton
Tony36 said:

Awesome write

December 9th, 2016 09:33

Mars Colonizaton
P.H.Rose said:

First poem, boom!!
Back of the net....
Loved your poem..
In fact I\'m gonna
Put it as one of my
Well done....

December 9th, 2016 06:00