Comments received on poems by m999rcw

willyweed said:

the first part is very true
the second part is up to you.
nice poem ww

December 30th, 2016 13:43

Something special

WELCOME FRIEND ~ Thanks for your first poem ~ Love the sentiment but I don\'t agree ~ and anyway you are part of something SPECIAL now because you are a MEMBER of MPS which is a very SPECIAL SITE ! I\'m SPECIAL because My Parents think I\'m SPECIAL and my Brother & Sister and my Girl Friend and my Boss and My Colleagues and of course all my Students because they want good grades ! So in essence we are all part of Something Special ~ Family ~ Friends ~ Colleagues and God thinks I\'m SPECIAL because he made me. OK there are days when I feel less than SPECIAL ~ WE ALL DO ~ but on balance I\'M SPECIAL. Thanks for sharing ~ Yours BRIAN. Hope you change your mind ! Please read my Poems ~ Thanks BRIAN (UK)

December 29th, 2016 18:09