Comments received on poems by the b word

Tony36 said:

I am 36 single with no kids, but I understand what you are saying. I hear parent talk about it all the time. Personally I gave up on FB years ago. Great write

January 6th, 2017 13:49


WELCOME TBW ~ Thanks for your first poem which (as the title suggests) is so so full of REGRET. I am single (33) and have no Children yet but I can empathise ! Its not just Facebook its all those Christmas letters which are all about the exploits of Children ~ Grandchildren & even Great-grandchildren and so so many PICTURES it really hurts. And even more so for you having partially carried THREE and lost them. This is a very powerful poem and I hope you found it cathartic. It made me cry ! Thanks for sharing ~ you will find MPS a very supportive site. Yours BRIAN (UK).

January 6th, 2017 12:56

WriteBeLight said:

I am not a Facebook fan. Very poignant poem, and great point made.

January 6th, 2017 12:28