Comments received on poems by Orion

A Goblin Raid

WELLCOM ORION ~ The Goblin\'s Chief his name is GRATCHEN ~ His wickedness no one is MATCHIN \' ~ He\'s got an itch He\'s always SCRATCHIN\' ~ Just like a Hen whose eggs are HATCHIN\' ~ I like rhyme too and if you think hard enough you can rhyme anything even ORANGE ! Now back to your first Poem ! I love the rhyme (and rhythm) and repetition of \"Through my window it all seems ~ quite far away as in a dream !\" I a poem that is good (and engaging to recite) the \"three R\'s\" are very important ! Rhyme ~ Rhythm ~ Repetition. You have written a great POEM ! The content is a bit bloodthirsty with a very sad end. We are warned against HOBGOBLINS in a hymn (by JOHN bUNYAN !) and your poem reinforces the warning. Thanks for sharing ~ more please ~ Yours BRIAN (UK). Please check my poems ~ Thanks B

February 14th, 2017 12:00