Comments received on poems by carmen

restless desires

WELCOME CARMEN ~ Thanks for you first poem which pulsates with yearning and promise. In STANZA 1. You share your loneliness ~ In S 2. Your yearning to find a place to rest ~ In S 3. You bare your tumultuous Ocean which can drown and the unbridled passion of your Hurricane which can hurt ~ You can be cruel and unforgiving ~ if crossed ~ BUT S 4. overflows with the promise of unfettered LOVE ! You are the Lover we wish we had and \"knew\" the Lover we would die for ! In S 5. You make an unrefuseable offer \"Don\'t you want to find Heaven Honey ?\" and you suggest a trysting place (time restricted !) ROOM 13 ! Your excellent poem starts in Hades and ends in Paradise ! Thanks for caring & sharing ~ Yours BRIAN (UK) Please check my Poems ~ Thanks B

March 2nd, 2017 19:24

restless desires
willyweed said:

ah welcome to the house of sin. nice poem more pls lots of good writers her in Oz auntie M welcome to MPS WW.

March 2nd, 2017 18:42