Comments received on poems by poeticsenpa1

jt said:

I know this pain. I think I finally realized when it was time to let myself get over it, but it takes time. i think the worst thing about it is everything you do is now just you, and for the longest time we never thought about it. we knew how things flowed and now with a piece missing, it kills. let your heart heal, i sure know that to this day my guard is still high because I am not done healing. Be sad, be angry, do whatever you need to do to come back better and stronger.

April 14th, 2017 00:40

Mis ojos 04117

WELCOME ELAINE ~ Gracias por tu primera poema \"Los ojos son las ventanas de l\'alma\" It is very true and they let LIGHT IN as well as letting your INNER LIGHT shine OUT. Keep bathing you eyes ~ Yours BRIAN (UK) Please check my poems ~ Thanks B

April 1st, 2017 10:28