• Jessica Tawney

    Thank you so much for your comment on my post! 😁 That\'s awesome that you work with college students in the mental health field!! I\'d definitely love to be in that profession! My bachelor\'s degree is in multidisciplinary studies and my concentrations are in psychology, sociology, and communications. I have 2 As, 2 Bs, and 1 C going towards my master\'s degree. My major was psychology. I stopped going to my online master\'s degree program a few years ago. I honestly thought I was just gonna take a break from school for a little big and then start back up, but I never ended up going back to school yet. I have been talking to another online grad school that I might start sometime soon, but my major will be substances abuse counseling instead of psychology. I\'d love to work in this profession too! I know I\'d love it, bc I\'m a very compassionate, caring, and kind person that loves to help other humans and animals, and I can relate to and know how the drug addicts and mentally ill people feel, bc I\'ve been there and done that, since I\'m a drug addict and have mental illnesses myself! I definitely agree with everything you stated about mental illnesses and addictions! I haven\'t been doing too much of anything to lift myself up, except for maybe writing poetry, taking walks around town with my son and bf, and watching my favorite tv shows, such as Law and Order: Criminal Intent and SVU, and movies on Netflix and some internet websites where you can watch pretty much any tv show or movie for free, unless they\'re too new of a movie, is just now in theaters, and/or is just not on the site yet. Sometimes you can still watch some of the new releases that are in theaters, but they are just not too great of versions. Hehe! 😜 I really appreciate all your comments and feedback! It\'s a pleasure meeting you! 😁 Ttyl hun! 💙rnrnLove,rnJessica Tawney

      • BRIAN & ANGELA

        I love URBAN SLANG and text short hand

        TTYL ~ Talk to you later ~ OK

        RN ~ Right Now ?

        Hugs ~ BRIAN ~ @@@

        • Jessica Tawney

          You're very welcome hun!

          *hugs* back at ya!

          Jessica Tawney

        • Caring dove

          you have some really nice poems, i have so far only read a few but will be sure to read some more .. wow and yu have over 600 thats amazing

            • BRIAN & ANGELA

              Thanks ROSE ~ Pleased you like my POEMS thanks for your comments ~ I studied English Literature at School so reading and writing POETRY has always been important to me. I try to write ONE each day so 600 is two years work OK ~ Yours Poetically ~ BRIAN

            • Elizabeth Locorriere

              Your poems are beautiful, feeling very out of my depths!

                • BRIAN & ANGELA

                  THANKS EMELIA ~ All Liverpudlians are BORN poets and i have bee writing for 14 years ~ since i was 10 ! I am pleased the you see beauty in my Poetry I do my best too make the SHAPE & STYLE of the Poem (Verses ~ Rhyme pattern ~ Rhythm etc) fit the STORY ~ The linguistic style & message etc ! I also always include a VISUAL PICTURE because Visual Art and Written Art are symbiotic ! I loved your first poem and promise that if you post others I will send you a loving comment ! Poetic Hugs ~ BRIAN

                  • Elizabeth Locorriere

                    No worries, I posted a poem recently called Purple Lakes, please let me know what you think!

                  • lastbadbrad6

                    much ado about nuthing

                    • P.H.Rose

                      Hi Brian please
                      Add some of your
                      Wonderful words
                      To my fusion poem
                      4 words, 4 lines..

                      • OxfordSkills

                        Thank you for the friend invite Briansodes. Accepted. 🙂

                        • P.H.Rose

                          Hi Brian, please add
                          To my stanza..
                          Last hour of power,
                          If you have time.

                          • Ben Devlin

                            Thank you BRIANSODES.

                            • AlitaOpal

                              Amazing work, I have read a few of your poems and your haiku on trees is already my favourite..
                              I hope to post a few more myself but yours is truly amazing.

                                • BRIAN & ANGELA

                                  Thanks ALITA ~ pleased ytou like my poems. MPS works by us encouraging each other (with positive comments) to write more poems. Poetry is like ART ~ the more we write the better we become ! BRIAN

                                • Severus Alexander


                                  You've been here for a while...

                                  Could you look over my poem, Nocturne No.2?

                                  I'd really appreciate some constructive criticism...


                                    • BRIAN & ANGELA

                                      Will do that SA ~ thanks for contacting ~ BRIAN

                                    • BRIAN & ANGELA

                                      Thanks JULIAN - will check your poems - Thanks BRIAN

                                      • Julian Yanover

                                        Welcome to My poetic side!

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