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Bertolt Brecht Poems


Bertolt Brecht was a well known poet and playwright in Germany before being forced to flee from Nazi oppression.  He found a safe haven in the United States of America but did not remain there for the rest of his life.  Known more for his theatre work than his poetry he was, nevertheless, responsible for the lyrics of a song that became ...

Bob Hicok Poems


Bob Hicok is a contemporary American poet who was born in Michigan in 1960. He is a multi-award winning, much-published writer who once ran his own successful automotive die design business, leaving this to go into teaching. He will, no doubt, be proud of his writing output but I wonder if he has a little extra tinge of pride when he thinks ...

Marge Piercy Poems


American writer Marge Piercy was born in 1936 in Michigan and is known for her vibrant poetry, novels and her deep involvement in the social issues that face us today. She came from working class, Jewish roots, at the tail end of the Great Depression, and was the first person in her family to attend university when she won a scholarship. Marge ...

Samuel Johnson Poems


A man who arguably had one of the greatest effects on the English language, Dr Samuel Johnson was born 1709 in Staffordshire. Credited with producing the first definitive English language dictionary, a feat which took him nine years, he was also a prolific essayist and poet. Samuel Johnson suffered various ailments as a youth, most importantly scrofula which left him with scars ...

Edmund Blunden Poems


Born at the turn of the 20th Century in 1896, Edmund Blunden is best known for his poetry and other writing that was greatly influenced by World War I. Raised in London, he went on to study at Oxford, until, at the age of 19, he was commissioned into the army and saw battle in both Ypres and the Somme, earning ...

George Meredith Poems


Born in the busy naval town of Portsmouth in 1828, George Meredith was a writer of fantasy novels and a prolific poet, producing such well known works as The Lark Ascending which was the influence for Vaughan Williams’ seminal musical arrangement of the same name. His mother died when he was barely five years old and in his teenage years George ...

Judith Viorst Poems


Judith Viorst has enjoyed a full career of writing for newspapers and magazines while publishing a number of children’s books (both prose and poetry) and also some for adults.  She became interested in the study of Freudian psychology in the late 1970s and, as a result, published a number of books on this subject.  She displayed the more light hearted side of ...

Samuel Daniel Poems


Samuel Daniel is generally known as an English poet and historian who was, indeed, fortunate to be born at a glorious time in English history.  The Elizabethan era was into its fourth year when Daniel was born and he grew up enjoying the benefits of this time of great learning and international adventures.  This was a good time to be a ...

Vasko Popa Poems


Here is a Serbian poet who grew up at a time of deep unrest across the whole of Europe.  He fought as a partisan during WWII and was captured and interned in a Nazi concentration camp.  Having survived that he lived through the oppressive times that saw communism dominate the whole of central and eastern Europe for decades.  Despite the state’s efforts ...

Linda Pastan Poems


Linda Pastan is an American poet and essay writer who is known chiefly for writing short poems about family life and motherhood. A populist poet, she brings a unique feminine perspective to issues such as ageing, loss, death and the fragility of family relationships. One of her most recent poems is Travelling Light, from 2011, and illustrates her style: I am only leaving you, ...