This Bohemian-Austrian poet came into this world in 1875, with the name René Karl Wilhelm Johann Josef Maria Rilke but many knew him as Rainer Maria Rilke. A very unhappy childhood was spent in Prague and this highly gifted child was forced into military school by his parents, much against his will. A kindly uncle recognised the unsuitability of this situation and ...
It's not often that a person becomes successful in two quite different strains of employment but William Carlos Williams was such a man. Not only was he a renowned poet, much associated with modernism and imagism, but he was also a general practitioner of medicine. His specialist area was paediatrics. Born in 1883 in Rutherford, New Jersey with an English ...
American writer and editor Carl Sandburg was born in Galesburg, Illinois in 1878, and went on to win no less than two Pulitzer Prizes for his poetry. A colorful early life saw him leave school at the age of 13 to work odd jobs - delivering milk, harvesting ice, and even shining shoes. It was an upbringing grounded in the common ...
Famed for her caustic wit, Dorothy Parker was born in 1893 in New Jersey and was known from an early age for her uncompromising character. Her mother died when Parker was five and her father remarried a few years later. It was not a happy time for the future doyen of 20"s society. She refused to call this new woman either ...
Christina Rossetti (1830-1894) is the younger sister of Dante Gabriel Rossetti (not to be confused with Dante Alighieri who wrote The Divine Comedy). She is known for her fantasy as well as her deeply erotic poetry. This is much different from her brother whose work was deeply troubling and apocalyptic in nature. Feminist tend to focus on the works ...
Traveling over the centuries have been the works of Jalaluddin Rumi (1207-1273). He is especially accepted by Muslims for his spiritual insights. However, non-Muslims have enjoyed the poetry of this theologian and Sufi mystic. For such work to still have poetic merit, there must be something within the works that is relevant to the time in which it is read. Otherwise, the ...
Born in Rockland, Maine in 1892, Edna lived much of her childhood without a father’s influence after he was shown the door by her mother. Edna was only seven years old at the time and her mother instilled a fierce determination into her three daughters that they should succeed in, and have an appreciation of, music and literature. It took ...
Now here is a curious mixture – a writer of predominantly children’s stories, some leaning towards adult readers; a writer of songs for famous recording artists; a writer of musical scores for movies; and finally a writer of plays for adults. What an interesting life Sheldon Allan Silverstein must have led!
He was born in 1932 in Chicago, USA and passed through his ...
Some of the most iconic 20th century poets were young men killed in the First World War. Whilst Rupert Brooke was not killed in action, he was quickly celebrated as the fallen ‘golden warrior’, a vision of patriotic beauty and talent. Born in 1887 to a respectable, academic family, Rupert received a good education from two independent schools in Rugby. Before ...
The librarian poet, Philip Larkin (1922-1985) is a poet whose work has helped to shape the literary world. A strong follower of Thomas Hardy, Philip Larkin mimicked his style. The abandonment of the style of neo-Romanticism was typical of poets of his time. However, his deeply rich poems of the life and love have made him to be considered in the ...