- Original language: English
- Genre: Society
- Book file uploaded by: , on the July 17th, 2017
- Book file read: 803 times
- Rating: 8.7/10
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Year of edition: 1932
Year read: 2017
Language: English
Pages: 311
Price: 11 dollars
Rating: 10
This is a great book and a must-read for everyone. It outlines the perversion of individual values when the fate of individual development is taken into the hands of a higher power devoted to prioritizing group identity. Also it's hardly dated at all.
Year read: 2021
Language: English
Pages: 259
Price: 16 dollars
Rating: 7
The opening of the book helped me understand the world, I really like how it put me in the group of students. I found the way relationships made in the book interesting. I didn’t like the Savage Lands. I understand this book was published in 1932, but I just couldn’t get over this feeling of dislike toward the way the Savage Lands was depicted. I liked getting to know more about Lenina and Bernard. They seem to have switched their views by the end of the book. Chapter 17 was my favorite. The topic was interesting. But man, I was not expecting that ending. It’s seemed to have come from out of no where. Looking back on it there was foreshadowing earlier on, I just didn’t see it.
Language: English
Rating: 9
Required reading for all futurists.