Elites of Eden


  • Original language: English
  • Genre: Science fiction
  • Year published: 2017
  • Book file uploaded by: M.E.M., on the February 24th, 2020
  • Book file read: 438 times
  • Rating: 10/10

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  • M.E.M.
    Publisher: Simon & Schuster, Inc.
    Year read: 2020
    Language: English
    Pages: 276
    Price: 13 dollars
    Rating: 10

    OMG this book was amazing. I love the self conflict, the fact that there is a lesbian relationship. I’ve never read a book with that. So dark, but also so much hope and self-sacrifice. The last few chapters has a lot of action and moves fast, then it comes to a standstill, then back into the action.

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