

  • Original language: English
  • Genre: Poetry
  • Year published: 1603
  • Book file uploaded by: M.E.M., on the July 1st, 2021
  • Book file read: 306 times
  • Rating: 8/10

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  • M.E.M.
    Year read: 2021
    Language: English
    Pages: 144
    Rating: 8

    I hate Polonius. I listened to Hamlet so maybe I just hate the voice of Polonius, or maybe not. Hamlet is claver & smart. I like the Disney Hamlet more though. Now I understand why people say that Hamlet is crazy. Only a few people can see the ghost. I think it’s the fact that I I have memorized The Lion King that I’m able to understand what is happening in Hamlet without using Spark Notes for help. Oh, there’s singing that’s cool. Yet another great Shakespeare work. Then, like every tragedy, everyone DIES!

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