

  • Original language: English
  • Genre: Science fiction
  • Year published: 2016
  • Book file uploaded by: M.E.M., on the June 22nd, 2020
  • Book file read: 513 times
  • Rating: 10/10

Users who have read this book:


  • RainningHearts
    Language: English
    Rating: 10

    Heartless is clean, and a YA romance, but I absolutely loved it.

  • F.B.R
    Year read: 2022
    Language: English
    Rating: 10

    I feel like the ending was a bit rushed but the love of Jest and Catherine was REAL. I felt so mad at Cath’s parents for forcing her into marriage with the King at first, but when they saw Cath cold-hearted after Jest’s death, they finally asked her if she really wanted this which was honestly frustrating (I wanted to punch her parents in the face), and Cath saying “How different everything could have been if you had thought to ask me that before.” THIS HURT ME SO MUCH KNOWING HOW WELL THINGS WOULD HAVE TURNED OUT IF HER PARENTS HAD ASKED HER WHAT SHE WANTED BEFORE AND IT WOULD HAVE BEEN A HAPPY ENDING. Overall, it’s one of my favorite novels that I certainly would not forget. “murderer, martyr, monarch, mad”

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