- Original language: English
- Genre: Society
- Year published: 1847
- Book file uploaded by: AYESHABEG, on the September 1st, 2010
- Book file read: 1191 times
- Rating: 8.6/10
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Language: English
Rating: 6
Good read, great feminist book.
Good for students who want to read a more challenging book.
It dragged on a bit though, and a bit too much description for me, but deffo a geat read.
Year of edition: 1997
Year read: 2017
Language: English
Pages: 461
Price: 5 dollars
Rating: 10
One of my all time favorite British Lit books. It has an amazing female protagonist, who seems weak but really she has a strength that is eventually revealed.
Language: English
Pages: 691
Rating: 9
Such drama, such discoveries! Jane has an attitude and I love it!! Bessie is awesome. She’s the perfect balance between kind & stern. This novel has angered me and excited me in a roller coaster of events. While the way to the end was full of obstacles the ending was still happy while sad. I’m so glad to have read this classic.