Nineteen Eighty Four


  • Original language: English
  • Genre: Society
  • Book file uploaded by: , on the July 17th, 2017
  • Book file read: 856 times
  • Rating: 9/10
  • Users favorite of this book: Duderocketship

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  • Adadsy
    Language: English
    Rating: 9

    Just finished reading it for the first time and I absolutely adored it. Something about the way Orwell criticises yet simultaneously holds a candlelight to socialism and its ability to be perverted into totalitarianism is utterly appealing and perhaps an intentional use of “doublethink”

  • fuche_bu
    Language: German


  • M.E.M.
    Year read: 2018
    Language: English

    read it in high school, and I really liked it.

  • Hinnant
    Year read: 2019
    Language: English
    Rating: 10

    Orwell does a fantastic job of showing how propaganda can quickly change a society and that those who control the microphone control the present and therefore the past and future. I currently rereading it for book club and it still amazes me how Orwell could seemingly predict the decline we are now living. Newspeak, thoughtcrime, doublespeak, memory hole, doublethink, and facecrime may not be words you are familiar with if you have never read this book. But I bet you have heard, "Big Brother is Watching You." Worth the read.

  • Chloe Miller
    Language: English
    Rating: 9

    A great book with an important agenda. Effectively delivers the message of the importance of freedom and creates a compelling world and narrative to do so. Gets straight to the point, pretty harrowing at the end, but sometimes repeats the same thing over and over.

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