- Original language: English
- Genre: Fiction
- Year published: 2021
- Book file uploaded by: M.E.M., on the December 5th, 2022
- Book file read: 188 times
- Rating: 6/10
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Year read: 2023
Language: English
Pages: 563
Price: 15 dollars
Rating: 6
I felt like I should have taken a class on the world before reading this book. I was expecting it to be similar in style to the authors other series which I loved, but it seems more adult— which isn’t a bad thing, but it’s classified as YA. After reading reviews I have decided that “adventure/quest” books aren’t my thing. Thankfully this isn’t 100% quest, but it is at least 50% world building, which- I mean, I’m okay with world building if it is needed for the plot, but come on be subtle about it. Other than that, I love the characters and being able to understand where Edira is coming from.