Shadow and Bone


  • Original language: English
  • Genre: Magical realism
  • Original title: Shadow and Bone
  • Book file uploaded by: Xoes Library, on the November 21st, 2022
  • Book file read: 230 times
  • Rating: 8/10

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  • Xoes Library
    Year read: 2022
    Language: English
    Pages: 305
    Rating: 10

    Soldier. Summoner. Saint
    I bought shadow and bones after reading crooked kingdom duo-logy so obviously, my expectations were high and I would say I was not disappointed not in the least bit. I found myself consumed by the Grishaverse. The life of Alina, intrigued by the dark-ling but swept off by the loyalty of Mal.
    Shadow and bone introduces us to the life of Alina and Mal. Two ordinary orphans sent to a war plagued by their country. A war not fought with ordinary guns and sword but with abilities far beyond the comprehension of normal humans. With abilities as old as their country but not the less just as feared.
    Will loyalty, and friendship overcome powers as ancient as time itself?

  • M.E.M.
    Publisher: Square Fish
    Year read: 2023
    Language: English
    Pages: 372
    Rating: 6

    Give me immature/fanfic vibes. The duration spent on travel seemed too long at times. Also, the transition of seasons was more telling than showing. I do, however, like all the characters. I grasped onto the darkling, and was surprised at the reveal. I also have no idea what to make of the Apparat, I liked the darkling when he was lying to Alina more. The whole prisoner of a powerful guy thing reminds me of "the red queen" series (but I'm glad it didn't last long)

  • Torpedo
    Language: English

    The very beautiful craftsmanship of the characters is a truly engaging experience. Must-read for any fantasy/romance fans.

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