Silas Marner


  • Original language: English
  • Genre: Novel
  • Year published: 1861
  • Book file uploaded by: Cheeky Missy, on the November 12th, 2010
  • Book file read: 1228 times
  • Rating: 10/10

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  • Hinnant
    Publisher: Scott, Foresman and Company
    Year of edition: 1899
    Year read: 2020
    Language: English
    Pages: 288
    Rating: 10

    I think it was a great short book but with lots to think about for anyone who like to contemplate human nature. Here is what I said about the book on my book review blog.
    If you have never read this short novel, you should as soon as possible. It's a fast read about a man wrongly accused of a crime and his journey from recluse to father and friend. Eliot does an exceptional job capturing the essence of betrayal, devastation, loneliness, friendship, love, and justice in the human experience. The story touches the heart of the reader and offers a perspective of what it means to lose yourself in a pit absent of human love and then find the source of the greatest love one person can have for another. Though the book was written well over 150 years ago, the themes are every bit as current for the modern reader; including themes such as disloyalty, drug abuse, abandonment, anger, hate, friendship, and forgiveness. Eliot was a woman who cared deeply about her fellow humanity and as a result took seriously the responsibility to portray the characters psychology as accurately as possible. As a literature teacher with a degree in education and psychology, I can appreciate her book about this fascinating man and the people of the town to which he flees.

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