The First to Die at the End


  • Original language: English
  • Genre: Fiction
  • Year published: 2022
  • Book file uploaded by: M.E.M., on the December 5th, 2022
  • Book file read: 138 times
  • Rating: 10/10

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  • M.E.M.
    Publisher: Quill tree books
    Year of edition: 2022
    Year read: 2023
    Language: English
    Pages: 592
    Price: 20 dollars
    Rating: 10

    Very much worth the hype. I loved all the interconnected stories and the message behind it all. I didn’t cry at the ending of this book like I did with TBDATE but it was still heart wrenching. I felt like the inclusion of Mateo and Rufus was not as subtle as the author might have hoped and while I enjoyed their parts,I found it took away from the other characters. However the inclusion of Rufus’s dad was really cool and took me a while to figure out who he was. With this being the launch day of DC I wasn’t sure if V was actually going to die or if O was really safe; this made the ending more worth it.

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