The Hiding Place


  • Original language: English
  • Genre: Biography
  • Year published: 1971
  • Book file uploaded by: Cheeky Missy, on the November 5th, 2010
  • Book file read: 941 times
  • Rating: 9.5/10

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  • Cheeky Missy
    Publisher: Spire Books/Fleming H. Revell
    Language: English
    Rating: 9

    Very interesting tale set in World War II....again the gospel is rather incorrect/unBiblical, to my understanding.

  • MaddieJ
    Publisher: Chosen Books 35th Anniversary edition
    Year of edition: 2006
    Year read: 2020
    Language: English

    Excellent read. It’s begins with the context of Corrie’s viewpoint with her childhood and young adult life leading into what major events change it forever. The emotional and physical turmoil of the war between Poland and the Nazi regime would alter her and her family’s life, along with some many others who are accounted for in this memoir. It’s worth the read for the purpose of humbling yourself alone!

  • Hinnant
    Publisher: Bantam Books
    Year of edition: 1974
    Year read: 2019
    Language: English
    Pages: 241
    Price: 8 dollars
    Rating: 10

    I love this book based on Corrie's life during the occupation of Holland. I have a book review blog that I try to not give to much of the book away but at the same time encourage folks to read good books. This is what I posted regarding this book.
    If you missed this life-changing book it's not too late! The story of a woman and her family who must decide to play it safe or risk themselves to save others. Their life before and after the war will inspire you and challenge your thinking. Human nature and behavior during unthinkable struggles are revealed on their journey. And the love of family and faith can be heard in conversations, sometimes in unexpected ways, especially between two sisters who journey to the pit called Ravensbruck. My favorite exchange from the book between Betsy and Corrie; “Thank you," Betsie went on serenely, "for the fleas and for-" The fleas! This was too much. "Betsie, there's no way even God can make me grateful for a flea." "Give thanks in all circumstances," she quoted. "It doesn't say, 'in pleasant circumstances.' Fleas are part of this place where God has put us." "And so we stood between piers of bunks and gave thanks for fleas. But this time I was sure Betsie was wrong.” Pick up the book to discover what happens next, the answer may surprise you.
    For more of my book reviews feel free to visit my blog.

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