The Last Battle


  • Original language: English
  • Genre: Novel
  • Year published: 1956
  • Book file uploaded by: M.E.M., on the April 14th, 2020
  • Book file read: 413 times
  • Rating: 10/10

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  • M.E.M.
    Publisher: Harper-Collins
    Year read: 2020
    Language: English
    Pages: 228
    Price: 7 dollars
    Rating: 10

    I hate Shift. Poor Puzzle. The plot seems to move rather fast and then levels out at one point. Lots of good conflicts. It’s kind of sad as I read along because I soon realized what was happening to Narnia. I don’t know who was worse: Shift, the Tarkaan, or the dwarfs. They all did awful things. An explanation is given for Susans absents from the rest of the books, it’s reminiscent of the rule in Neverland. The ending is not like a normal ending. A normal ending would be something like 10 more minutes after the climax, and then: END. The ending of this book is lengthy and methodical. It is very detailed and satisfying. I liked how the chronicles were summed up, it felt complete.

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