- Original language: English
- Genre: Novel
- Year published: 1927
- Book file uploaded by: M.E.M., on the August 14th, 2020
- Book file read: 412 times
- Rating: 6.5/10
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Language: English
Rating: 4
Kind of interesting. I wasn’t able to find a full PDF version of the book so I listened to a free audiobook version. I really just out it on for background noise, I didn’t pay much attention. But what I could discern from the book was very interesting. I’m giving it a 4 because it couldn’t hold my attention just as an audiobook, and I can’t remember half of it (even though that’s mostly on me).
Rating: 9
It's a masterpiece by Virgina woolf.she excels at the stream of consciousness technique and interweaves her complex multi dimensional charatcers' lives along with an amazing tale of passion, desire and the need to prove's a brilliant character study of Mrs.Ramsay believed to be inspired from her own mother....undoubtedly a must read