Girl Poems


It doesn't matter whether they are poems written by girl or poems written by guys, when the topic is "girls", there is always a lot to say. In fact, it's quite interesting to look at the different perspectives that guys and girls have when writing about each other. And of course, when these perspectives are view poetically, then it usually offers ...

Religious Poems


I am not aware of a single culture which does not have some thoughts on spirituality and religion. From the most primitive cultures to the most sophisticated, religion generally plays some part in the daily lives of their people. One of my writing clients is a woman who writes religious poetry in her native language and then translates them into English. ...

Goodbye Poems


The word 'goodbye' is not as simple as one might first think. Certainly it signifies the end of a meeting between two people or perhaps groups of people. The significance is in the degree of finality of that parting. Also at play is the depth and emotional ties between the two parties. It could be as simple as ending a meeting ...

Hate Poems


We normally think nothing of poems which express love and happiness, or sorrow and grief. But there is another emotion that is common to man-kind . . . hate. I have to admit, this is a topic of poetry which I really have little exposure to. So in preparing to write this article, I did some internet research. The very first ...

Relationship Poems


Relationships -- they are an inescapable part of life. In fact, the moment we begin communicating with someone, we have formed a relationship. Some might even argue that a relationship begins the moment we sense the other person's presence -- a relationship based on nonverbal cues. We like someone, or dislike someone, often times based upon our perception of their appearance. ...