Harry Crosby Poems


From a family of rich New England bankers, Harry Crosby was born in 1898 in Boston, a poet who came to epitomize what Ernest Hemingway described as the Lost Generation. He was brought up in the exclusivity of the Back Bay area of the city and his uncle was then one of the richest men in America. He lived a ...

Edwin Markham Poems


Born in Oregon in 1852, poet Edwin Markham preached love and social reform in his verses, often in stark contrast to some of his more pessimistic contemporaries. Although he was a late comer to poetry success, not publishing his first works until his late thirties, Markham became one of the most popular and widely read literary figures of the twentieth century, ...

Christopher Smart Poems


Christopher Smart was an 18th century English poet who wrote for various popular magazines using a number of pseudonyms such as "Kit Smart", "Kitty Smart", and "Jack Smart", and he also adopted the persona of midwife "Mrs. Mary Midnight". He was best known though for his high spiritual ideals, bordering on religious fanaticism at times. The fact that he was confined to ...

Amy Clampitt Poems


Amy Clampitt was born in Iowa in 1920 and grew up, in her twilight years, to become one of the most respected American poets of her era. Brought up in a Quaker farming community, she originally went to Grinnell College before getting the qualifications to head for Columbia University. Although she always wanted to be a writer, it wasn’t until the ...

Bai Juyi Poems


Born in the Tang Dynasty in 772, Bai Juyi was an official of the government and also one of the most famous poets of the age who is still widely read today mainly because of his highly readable style. Bai Juyi lived through an age of political upheaval with no less than 8 emperors coming to the throne during his life ...