Resource of the Week: The Poetry Kit

Poetry Kit Home PageWhere do you go when you”re looking for information about upcoming poetry events? Calls for submissions? Calls for papers? A list of blogs that feature poetry? Something new to read? If you”re like most people, you”ve got a list of your own of places to check in for each of those things, but at The Poetry Kit you can find it all rolled into one. Simply put, The Poetry Kit is the single most comprehensive resource for finding almost anything about poetry that I have found anywhere. In addition to maintaining a frequently updated list of poetry events happening in ten different regions around the globe (Africa, Asia, Australia, Canada, Central America, Europe, Ireland, New Zealand, the UK and the USA), The Poetry Kit features listings of blogs, poet”s web sites, poetry magazines, calls for submissions of poetry, calls for submissions of papers on poetry, a poetry blog of their own Poetry Kite and so much more that it won”t fit into a single post.

Of special interest to poets are the calls for submission and the calls for papers, as well as the listings of poetry magazines by country, including a new section of online poetry magazines. You can join The PK discussion list, one of the longest running email poetry discussion lists on the internet, read the PK list”s own poetry journals, Transparent Words and Caught in the Net, or indulge yourself in a fingerwalk through literally dozens of poetry blogs from around the world.

There are lists of poetry contests (arranged by deadline – so handy!), poetry organisations, poetry publishers, poetry magazines, poetry courses, poetry workshop groups (arranged by area – most are in the UK, but there are some from other countries),funding organisations and grants for poets – are you beginning to get the idea? Good! Drop by The Poetry Kit and check it out for yourself – I can guarantee you”ll find something there to wet your whistle – or quench your thirst.

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