Fay Slimm.




Inert minions long passed away
rivering subtly each
potentised remnant of dwellers
living before, now
stored and suspendidly waiting,
minutely unseen, call
those alive to feel both lament
or joy in cellular motes.

Sensitive ears might catch low
sighs as lived lives now
gone leave chromosome vibes
residing in river-beds
which tho' liquidized still float
appeals to be noticed.

Winging birds while aloft glance 
and pause as if aware,
a kingfisher stares, wrens bend 
for something more than
thirst-slake as miniscule essence
causes trilling to halt.

And furry bodies busily swimming
through pools stop to
hear memory's chorus, stoat, vole
and speedy otter detect
in water's un-dead breath echoed 
experience telling more.

Why then can we not tune an ear,
listen for liquid speech,
focus on unlinguistic but felt fare
streaming from cells
of yesteryear's water-side folk,
pick up their token

of missives and learn if we dare.

  • Author: Fay Slimm. (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 3rd, 2018 03:57
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 36
  • Users favorite of this poem: Heartwriter, Laura🌻
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  • Heartwriter

    Fay this picture is really magnificent! Your words bring it to beautiful life. Brilliant!

    • Fay Slimm.

      Your comments are always so encouraging dear friend and so pleased you enjoyed the words and the picture.

    • orchidee

      A lovely write and pic Fay.

      • Fay Slimm.

        Yes the picture brought forth words and thanks for your visit and comment dear Orchi.

      • Michael Edwards

        A masterclass in the use of the language dear Fay

        • Fay Slimm.

          You honour me dear friend - - most pleasing that you enjoyed the read.

        • Laura🌻

          My dear Fay,

          A masterfully written poem exhibiting the beauty of the English language!

          Are you a university professor who teaches the beauty of the English language?

          As an English Language Learner, I admire and appreciate how you so eloquently express yourself throughout your writings!


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