Come The Little Children Unto Jesus


Is this what we teach,
our children?
Maybe I am a bit confused.
If this is some sort of joke,
then I am really not amused.
You use bad language,
in front of babies,
and think it 'cute' ,
when they mimic what you say.
Are you trying to teach,
you child to be a man,
by hitting his mom everyday?
Wives do you think it's alright,
to talk down to your husband,
and belittle him?
Are you trying to teach,
your daughter empowerment,
by asserting some sort,
of dominance?
Teachers, how can we think,
it is better,
to teach other kids to be gay,
or let boys go in and out,
of girls restrooms as they may?
Men are we really taking,
our kids with us to the drug house,
and telling them,
'Just sit over there,
and be quiet as a mouse'?
I remember Pop Warner football,
was about competion,
but still moral lessons taught,
and how to be tough.
Now it's about equal play,
and who can wear the most pink,
during breast cancer awareness month.
Oh how I weep.
What a tangled web they've woven -
a web of lies.
Still it is the fate they have chosen.
Is this what God,
wants for His kids?
When you stand before Jesus,
I will not be weeping.
You will know,
what your punishment is.

Teach their CHILDREN to PRAY
We teach our CHILDREN to read & to write
Not to be scared ~ when they're in bed at night
All sorts of Games we teach them to PLAY
But do we ever teach them to PRAY ?
But not about GOD........who matters most
If we don't go to CHAPEL or CHURCH
Then their SPRITUALITY'S left in the lurch
Don't leave it to CHANCE ~ they will Bless you one day
READ them the BIBLE and teach then to PRAY
My extended Family all are Spiritual FOLK
They treat GOD as real and not just a JOKE
So if you've got children get REAL TODAY
Teach them the BIBLE & teach them to PRAY ~ AMEN !

  • Authors: Dion P. Crown (Pseudonym), BRIANSODES
  • Visible: All lines
  • Finished: November 13th, 2018 05:30
  • Limit: 6 stanzas
  • Invited: Friends (users on his/her list of friends can participate)
  • Comment from author about the poem: The list goes on and on and on today about how many adults are deliberately filling children's heads with misinformed thoughts. Maybe that was how they were raised, maybe they want their children to grow up to be, 'cool', or maybe they are just lazy, and don't teach them at all. Either way, I understand no one is perfect. You cannot raise your kids to be perfect. I understand that kids can sometimes be rebellious and, 'know-it-alls'. Still, we have to raise them the best way that we can. - Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. - Proverbs 22:6 - ESV - Persistence is key
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 94
  • Users favorite of this poem: JustaPotato
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