Old Men with Big Ears

The Retired Bloke

Great old men with fantastic big ears

Scars and wrinkles for souvenirs

Wisdom from a misspent youth

Only one remaining natural tooth


Great old men with enormous big noses

Proud as punch of their prize winning roses

Children love to hear their stories 

Loved labour hated the tories 


Great old men with aching backs

Never wear coats always Macs 

Used to smoke twenty roll your own

Not much fun when you’re all alone 


Great old men with a walking stick

Nothing on face value, forever a sceptic 

Reflecting on simple hard working lives

Shared with their long suffering wives. 


  • Author: The Retired Bloke (Offline Offline)
  • Published: December 13th, 2018 06:20
  • Comment from author about the poem: Poem about men getting older...inspired by observing on TV how an old celebrity’s ears had grown!
  • Category: Humor
  • Views: 43
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Comments +


  • orchidee

    A fine write RB.

  • Nicholas Browning

    Truth to this there is.

  • Goldfinch60

    Yes I am there, don't need a stick yet though.

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