Propitiation Plenitude


Tune: Mannheim

('Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us')

1 John 2 v.1-2


Here deep comfort, full salvation

To each of every nation

If any one sin, we have sure

An Advocate evermore

With the Father, it be Jesus

His Son, gave His life for us


He the One, the righteous, sinless

Forgiven, He does us bless

He the propitiation* be

For our sins, for even me

Mild, merciful, for us He bears

Our sins, our human state shares


Not now punished nor condemned we

For He has borne our load, see

Turns away God's wrath from us, for

He has borne it, suffered sore

Not for my sins only, but for

The whole world for evermore


We redeemed, His gracious favour

We do meditate, savour

There no other, all-sufficient

Relief for each penitent

Thus rejoicing, grace enfolding

Us, we of His love do sing


Turn us Lord, from pride and striving

Our own salvation to bring

Rooted, grounded in you we hold

To the gospel, good news told

You the Truth, the Life, and the Way

Even to eternal day


* propitiation - to appease a god or person, etc;

to atone - make two to be 'at-one-ment'


  • Author: orchidee (Offline Offline)
  • Published: February 10th, 2019 03:32
  • Comment from author about the poem: A hymn-poem in it's not that we 'get away' with sinning, though we can be forgiven. Yet neither need we experience God's judgement. One or other of these aspects may be over-emphasised by some. This poem was accepted to be printed a church magazine, where from my visits there they seem to emphasise the latter. Rather 'preaching to the converted' or 'Bible-bashing' them, almost literally: 'Ye sinners, repent' seems to be one main theme there. And they do say thee and thou. Likest thou this poem?!
  • Category: Spiritual
  • Views: 19
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  • Goldfinch60

    Good one once more Orchi.

    • orchidee

      Thanks Gold.

    • Neville

      I am not much cop at propitiation I'm afraid , tis hard enough just trying to say it, propitiation that is... an interesting perspective outlined here for sure.... N

      • orchidee

        Thanks N. Yes, no use saying it after a few sherries, or whatever tipple. Can ya any 5 syllable words after tippling?! It's at the centre of Communion services. You may know - some churches have them weekly; some less often; some only on special occasions. It ruins it if it's rushed or tacked on the end of a service though. Did my explanatory note at the end help?

        • Neville

          it did..

        • ANGELA & BRIAN

          Love the |HYMN Uncle Steve ~ Old but ever new. Love the Remeberance Parade. Love the POEM :

          HE who knew no SIN ~ became SIN for US
          That we migh be made Righteous
          Before God through HIM ~ AMEN

          Thanks for caring ~ Blessings & Love
          BRIAN & ANGELA 🧡🧡🧡🧡

          • orchidee

            Thanks B&A. Hymn is 'only' 1820. Ooh, it's young then, only 200 years old!

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