Love Letter to Luna


She’s always been there,

In my hour of need.

Silently observing,

Her silvery rays bathing me,

Soothing my fevered mind.

Wherever I am

No matter how far or near,

She never strays.

Tonight I gaze up at her

While the world slumbers on,

Noting her pockmarks -

Beautiful imperfections,

Her fine golden hue

Against the blue-black heavens;

And I think how much has changed,

And how much she has seen.

It burns my eyes these days,

To gaze at her splendour

But it is worth the pain

To feel the comfort

Of basking in her loving light.

  • Author: SerenWise (Offline Offline)
  • Published: February 17th, 2019 17:07
  • Category: Reflection
  • Views: 65
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    THANKS FOR SHARING SEREN ! I love SISTER LUNA. We have pretty clear nights in Essex UK ~ so most nights I can have discourse with SISTER LUNA. She is so consistent in Time & Place & Waxing & Waning ~ She gives me confidence that all iwell in my neck of the Woods. Love the MOON and would love to walk on Her surface one day ! Everything about Her is perfect ~ Composition ~ Size ~ Distance form the Earth and Time of rotation round the Earth etc. She causes tides ~ gives light at night and controls cycles. She is unique and Science cant agree as to how She was formed. She is unique ~
    The Good Book says GOD MADE Her ~ OK !
    Blessings BRIAN & ANGELA 🧡🧡

  • Goldfinch60

    She is so wonderful to see and she guards over us with love and brilliance.

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