amid the hills

dusk arising



Amid the hills
to contemplate.
Stilled by beauty.
Majestic landscape
lifts my spirit,
validates me.
A reminder
of my insignificance.

upon this earth
is my joy.
Whichever other
living may bring
are blessings,
my wealth.


  • Author: dusk arising (Offline Offline)
  • Published: May 26th, 2019 04:35
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 39
  • User favorite of this poem: Poetic Dan.
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  • Fay Slimm.

    Thanks for the best way to a really wonderful outlook on life my friend.

    • dusk arising

      It's heartfelt, I wish it was there for us all the time.

    • Neville

      what a delightful perspective you have shared with us here.... I could close my eyes and almost be back in my little mountain retreat.... cheers sir..

      • dusk arising

        It's a different reality from city life for sure.

        • Neville

          indeed sir...

        • orchidee

          You've set me off on a song now, with them quiet hills. Pity I sound like two cats fighting! lol.

          • dusk arising

            I'll leave a saucer of milk out for your felines to fight over.

          • ANGELA & BRIAN

            Thanks *DA* for caring & sharing ! Angela & I love HILLS & MOUNTAINS and the higher we get (17,000 ft in PERU) the nearer to HEAVEN we get. We do take care and have proper BOOTS ~ Safety Kit and all the GEAR ~ We don't want to get to HEAVEN ~ TOO SOON ! We are both Qualified in Mountain Leadership for leading Young People on Expeditions in Snowdonia ~ The Lake District & Scotland. Some kids from ESSEX have never been higher than 1000 feet so a trip to the Lake District is a real EYE OPENER ! If we move too fast they often get breathless @ 2000 ft !

            Blessings & Peace & Joy
            Yours BRIAN & ANGELA 🧡🧡🧡🧡

            • dusk arising

              Dont forget to feel insignificant up there will ya?

              • ANGELA & BRIAN

                THANKS FOR YOUR COMMENT *DA* As far as ANGELA & I are concerned we always feel humbled by Mountains even after weve stood on the SUMMIT ! Some Climbers do tick them off (like a Grocery List) once they have been *Conquered* (their word not mine !). I like Sir Edmund Hillary (NZ ~ First Man to Climb Everest) but his expression to the Team on the way down was *WE knocked the Bugger off !* a better comment would have been *One small step for Man ~ One giant leap for Mankind*
                YOURS ~ BRIAN 🧡

              • 1 more comment

              • Goldfinch60

                So very true, those hills can show us so much and give us so much peace.

                • dusk arising

                  I need to get out there more often.

                • Suresh

                  Whenever we would go to the hill stations for summer, I would wander off and contemplate as you poem has so rekindled those pleasant memories. Nature has a way to make us so insignificant in the realm of space.

                  • dusk arising

                    Absolutely hit the nail on its head there.

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