Home is me

Poetic Dan

There has been many roofs over my head


Every single place, be it friends or Foster care


Then back to another, bouncing to another


By the time I was 18, it was a list I could hardly remember


I've slowly retraced all that are in my memory banks


Each one showing me, broken cracks everywhere


Home is truly where our feet keeps it beat


Shelter and comfort are just blankets of luxuries


I once held this against myself for being unable to settle


Now I can see how every piece made and continues to shape me


Blessed I was to take a leap early in life with no wings


To be given by every soul the peace I can find within


Every day I remind myself to slow down and keep listening


This is just about to explode into a wonderful symphony




  • Author: Poetic Dan (Offline Offline)
  • Published: June 7th, 2019 02:36
  • Comment from author about the poem: This was written yesterday, it felt so good to write I could not wait to post. My reality tunnel has shifted and I'm ready to show off all that I am, knowing this is not an ego trip but love I just can no longer hold in.
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 11
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  • dusk arising

    'That which does not kill you makes you stronger'
    You have gathered together the rocks through which you stumbled and fell and with them built a mountain from where you can see more clearly.

    • Poetic Dan

      I have heard this before, maybe from you but this time those words really sink in.

      I so thankful for your humbling view of me, some days I still slip but I'll never again forget where I came from to stand where I am. Never to look down, only lend a hand.

      Thank you for yours, always appreciated my friend

    • Neville

      I bet there aint a single one of us who aint happy for ya... keep believing and write on....


      • Poetic Dan

        As I do for every single soul on here, thank you my friend for listening.

        • Neville

          I am all ears...

        • Fay Slimm.

          Life''s journey is full of chances to learn and improve and your verse tells the fact of you doing just that Dan - - instead of curling over in failure you have taken the way to the stars and won.

          • Poetic Dan

            Yes right now I'm playing amongst many bright souls and have listened to me slowly find my key, I am finally home and surrounded by great company.

            Thank your time and glad we shared the same vibration today!

            Always appreciated

          • Michael Edwards

            A fine write which complements Fay's super piece also published today

            • Poetic Dan

              Yes I caught that this morning and I must say I felt completely refreshed after reading it. As if it was what I could not verbalise without going into detail, many wise words are placed here daily just by us sharing our stories.

              A student choose the teacher not the other way around.

              Always appreciate you visiting my friend

              • Michael Edwards

                It's my pleasure .

              • Suresh

                The past, dreadful when it was present, now recalled as cause to strengthen your resolve to live the future to the fullest for yourself and those under your care, has brought you to a solemn state of mind.

                • Poetic Dan

                  With my family name being Absolom the word solemn always gives me a giggle, as If I was always ment to take this a bit serious.
                  Now I just have to keep having fun!

                  Always appreciate your time my friend

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