Baby girl (Song for my daughter)


Baby girl

Here’s to you

21 weeks to go

And we’re so excited

Baby girl

here’s to you

Seein how you grow

Oh we’re so excited


Here to

All the sleepless nights

to come

All the joy and love

We’ll get from



Baby girl

Here’s to hopin

You have my compassion

And his smile

Baby girl here’s to hopin

You have his heart an

My eyes

Here’s to four more months

Then two becomes three

Four more months

An we grow our family tree

Here’s to four more months

Till your here

Four more months

Till we hold you my dear


Baby girl

Here’s to you

Your daddy’s pride and joy

And your mamas smile

Baby girl

Here’s to you

All the clothes and toys

And diaper stockpiles


Here’s to

all the sleepless nights

to come

All the joy and love

We’ll get from




Baby girl

Here’s to hopin

You have my compassion

And his smile

Baby girl here’s to hopin

You have his heart an

My eyes

Here’s to four more months

Then two becomes three

Four more months

An we grow our family tree

Here’s to four more months

Till your here

Four more months

Till we hold you my


Baby girl

Here’s to hopin

You have my compassion

And his smile

Baby girl here’s to hopin

You have his heart an

My eyes

Here’s to four more months

Then two becomes three

Four more months

An we grow our family tree

Here’s to four more months

Till your here

Four more months

Till we hold you my dear


Baby girl

Here’s to you

And all the amazing things

you may be

Baby girl

Here’s to you

All the love in the world

From mom and Daddy



  • Author: IndisClaire (Offline Offline)
  • Published: July 10th, 2019 01:02
  • Comment from author about the poem: This is a song for my daughter who will be here in December. I wrote this for you baby girl! Mommy loves you!
  • Category: Love
  • Views: 11
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Comments +


  • orchidee

    A lovely write Claire.

  • Goldfinch60

    I am sure your daughter will have a wonderful joyful life.

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