The rumble was in the distance,
Light flashed though the sky,
I was woken from my sleep.
The light intensified,
The dark sky became light
As the flashes increased,
Increased in number,
Increased in luminosity,
Until it was almost like day.
The noise increased,
Like a bass drum crescendo,
Until the bass was replaced
By the crack of a whip,
Magnified by the amplification
Of a Black Sabbath concert.
I stood watching and listening
As light and noise became more intense.
I seemed to be in the middle,
In the middle of nature’s anger,
As she vented her ire
On the world around me.
Goldfinch60 (Pseudonym) (
- Published: July 24th, 2019 01:25
- Comment from author about the poem: We had a huge thunderstorm last night, hence these words and the video.
- Category: Nature
- Views: 19
I have never experienced such a wild night of electric storms as that which came upon us lat night.
There were three quite separate storms with a long silence between.
Do you think it was displeasure from above at Boris' success?
Yes it was quite a night, I got up and watched it, the strange thing was that although the lightening lit the sky I did not see any distinct flashes maybe is was no seeing them through the position of my house or maybe they were just above the clouds. But is was a very wild time.
Those three storms may have gathered into one over Evesham, there were a couple of lows that only last a minute or so and then they came back with avengence.
Yes it may be a response from boris's election - success is not a word I could apply to him.
Cor blimey, what happened there..... what an amazing thing and described here just as it happened.... we had no thunder here though just constant lightening......... N
That lightening was so intense that the rooms were in light so many times. We did have the thunder and I have not heard it that loud for many a year.
it never even rained here.. it was just the constant lightening that was so impressive....
Erm, where?! Nothing here, just a drop of rain it seems. We must have missed it. And I didn't even get to sleep properly last night, so I would have heard it.
Anything seems to start me singing. With thunderstorms it's:
'His chariots of wrath the deep thunder clouds form
And dark is His path on the wings of the storm'.
You were obviously in the right place then Orchi, the thunder, lightening and rain were so intense around here.
Good Morning UNCLE ANDY ! Yes it was a real DONNER UND BLITZEN Methinks it was Heavens response to the election of Boris Johnson ! I see a bleak future where every PM & President is a TRUMP CLONE ~ God help us (PLEASE !) ~ Loved the VIVALDI ~ it sounded like Boris in full flow. Lots of NOISE but no SUBSTANCE !
Blessings Peace & Love to YOU & JOYCE
Yours as always ANGELA & BRIAN ๐งก๐๐งก๐๐งก
It may well be the response to boris's election, it didn't get him though!
Hey that was well written. We had our amazing storms last weekend! The thunder and lightning and rain does seem to be the perfect concert, doesn't it?
Thank you Christina,yes it was an amazing concert with tremendous lighting and sound effects.
Your graphic description makes me glad to be far from that anger from Mother Nature!
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