The words go onto the page,
Each line a gem from your mind.
Words follow word,
Lines follow line,
Until the words from your mind
Come to an end and your work is complete.
A masterpiece once more,
Until you read it through
And see the problems,
And each word is crossed out
And rewritten.
Then it is finished and all is right.
OK Lets start again.
Page the onto go words the,
Mind your from gem a line each.
Word follows words,
Line follows lines,
Mind your from words the until
Complete is work your and end an to come.
More once masterpiece a,
Through it read you until
Problems the see and,
Out crossed is word each and
Rewritten and.
Right is all and finished is it then.
Better that’s!
Goldfinch60 (Pseudonym) (
- Published: August 28th, 2019 01:23
- Comment from author about the poem: At the POetry Group that I organise the subject for this afternoon is "Crossing out/Thinking Again", this is one of the poems that I have written for it, it will be intriguing what the other members come up with!
- Category: Humor
- Views: 22
A fine write Gold. It's just me, but I rarely seem to cross out much, or to 'start again'. I do occasionally though.
'Tis a good write, right I am sure!'
I fell out with a publisher, who did not like 'alway' - how fussy! As if a publication depended on that as a major issue. I thought: 'Grrr, but it don't rhyme otherwise, ya daft ******'Woof! Fido stopped me there!
Thanks Orchi, I do not cross much out that is why this was a difficult subject but I coped OK
Oh I've not been to Poetry Group for ages - if it's still running. Doh! It would have been last night too - last Tuesday in the month, bi-monthly.
The Poetry Group I'm in is great the are 14 of us and we don't disseminate the poems we talk a bout the subjects, ideas and feelings they bring to us. It is great fun.
Glad some of you are having fun there. The Poetry Group I went to seemed bit dreary, and some waffled on. We could think 'Oh no, not another poem from him/her'.
I'm sure some pretended they liked the poems, with feeble applause after each one.
And now a song: 'Alway'...โฆโฆโฆ.! heehee. I dunno the words to it yet!
Ha, do you use a quill when writing too? I'm laughing at your description of the practicality of writing. Recalling an ex who shuffled three or four pieces of A4 lined paper full of crossings out and margin jottings as she attempted to fluently read the poem she had just composed.
How much easier i find composition using the simplest of word processors on my laptop having myself graduated from the pen and paper of years ago. I think that being so much more orderly, it assists the creative juices to flow more readily.
A great subject for your poem today. I expect it will be fun in your group too.
thanks d a. Strangely I do have a quill as I used to try and do calligraphy, not very well though. I too use the PC to write my words though occasionally up at the coffee bar I frequent I write out poems and occasionally give them to the people in the bar who I was writing about.
Use pencil - ya can erase things easily! I nearly always do, then type up poems on to files gradually, after having written a few. Or get our quills out?!
Thanks for caring & sharing UNCLE ANDY ~ Brian here ~ ANGELA (2pm Thursday - fast asleep I think !) ~ Love the music always a blessing ! Been in WORK today on rota for feeding the Animals and weeding the veg ! Good crop of Onions - Gorgettes & Toms. Im busy making RATATY to freeze for later ! 2 Onions 20 Toms 2 peeled Gorgettes Vegetable stock cube H2O ~ boil til edible ~ AWESOME ! I love Poetry Groups Angela & I are fortunate ! We both write recitable Poetry and we both need a good voice for our JOB. Angela teaches and trains Young Physios. I find it sad (which is often the case in P Groups) People with good Poems often have poor delivery and Poeple with crass Poems often have good delivery. We have some who stutter etc so Iam happy to read poetry for them if asked. But sometimes a sad elegy read haltingly at a Funeral has much more power than an eleoquent delivery. Its like an elderly Gentleman singing *When your Old Wedding Ring was New* accapello at his Diamond Wedding ~ I will be 97 in 2080 ! Love the *before & after* way you have presented your POME !
Blessings & Peace to You & Joyce
Love in the Spirit BRIAN & ANGELA
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Great write Andy.....rarely do I cross out much, maybe it would be better if I did! lol I would love to have a poetry group! Lucky!
Thank you Christina I rarely cross out either. The Poetry Group yesterday was great we had all emotions coming through the poems that members of the group either wrote or brought along.
Why not form a group?
I once wrote the best part of a thesis on the phenomenon of crossing out versus erasure..... think I tore it up in the end..... clever bit o crafting here mate.. well done .. N
Thanks Neville, just a bit of fun.
still clever though...
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