Never Not Once


Never Not Once


She never once saw

The true blue of his


She was far too busy


She never once heard

Him read his poems

Out loud

She was far too busy


She never once felt

His fingertips and lips


Her shoulder blades

She was far too busy


She never once tasted

His true salt

Nor the soil of him


Reminiscent of both

Pine forest and sea

She was far too busy

Being angry and

Drowning in self pity

Now of course

She never can or will




  • Author: Neville (Offline Offline)
  • Published: September 11th, 2019 01:53
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 33
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  • orchidee

    He wasn't called a blue-eyed boy for nothing, ya know! (as the saying goes). Now sadly she has lost it all. A fine write N.

  • Neville

    Thank you Orchidee and true..

  • sylviasearcher

    Did he taste salty or bitter?

    It’s funny isn’t it that idea if what we sense from another?

    Do we ever really really see another person and understand and know them?

    I wonder if it is even possible?

    What we see or hear or taste or touch ... our perception will always have a bias ... no matter how hard we try to deny it?

    • Neville

      You ma'am are bang on..... thank you for considering these words and your subsequent wonderings...... That's my new word for today by the way....

      • sylviasearcher

        Isn’t that what we all do?

        • Neville

          Maybe.. I do so wonder...

          • sylviasearcher

            One of my colleagues gets annoyed when people write I wondered in reports.

            I think wondering is more honest than assuming I know ...

            • Neville

              I wholeheartedly agree... colleagues eh' who would have em....

              • Neville

                of course they do... dont we all

                • sylviasearcher

                  I accidentally deleted the comment you responded to whilst trying to edit a typo...

                  So everyone will have to wonder the thing you have attributed to we all...

                  • Neville


                  • Goldfinch60

                    Such an emotive write Neville. Sometimes we just cannot see into the real soul of people, some do not even try.

                    • Neville

                      bloomin true mate... so bloomin true... cheers. N

                    • Fay Slimm.

                      Good morn to you Nev. The sadness in these lines shows how self-pity can destroy the reality love brings to a close relationship -- you have nailed it again and true my friend.......................

                      • Neville

                        Bless ya Fay and more than..... N

                      • dusk arising

                        That's why the lady is a ......

                        So it looks like we met some of the same girls along the way..... The last one of this ilk taught me to feel insignificant.

                        Great piece telling of male stupidity in falling for unattainable self appointed madonnas. Long live madonnas.

                        • Neville

                          thank you for such a well reasoned response my friend... yes, it seems highly probable and increasingly so that we shared the DNA of half a dozen or so....... 🙂

                        • Christina8

                          This is a really great write, Neville! Sad write but so well done!

                          • Neville

                            Thanks Christina... much appreciated as always my friend...

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